Publications (English)
- Boy, John D. and Justus Uitermark (2024) On Display. Instagram, the Self, and the City. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Uitermark, Justus, Cody Hochstenbach, and Jolien Groot (2024) Neoliberalization and urban redevelopment: The impact of public policy on multiple dimensions of spatial inequality, Urban Geography 45(4): 541-564.
- Van Vliet, Livia, Juliana Chueri, Petter Törnberg, and Justus Uitermark (2024) Political groups over national parties: Measuring the Europeanization of the political arena through MEPs Twitter interactions, Party Politics 30(3): 479-492.
- Rijshouwer, Emiel, Justus Uitermark, and Willem de Koster (2023) Wikipedia: a self-organizing bureaucracy, Information, Communication & Society 26(7): 1285-1302
- Uitermark, Justus (2023) What kind of problem is a megacity? Planning, rapid urbanization, and self-organization, Sociologia Italiana 21: 137-150
- Van Haperen, Sander, Justus Uitermark, and Walter J. Nicholls (2023) The Swarm versus the Grassroots: places and networks of supporters and opponents of Black Lives Matter on Twitter, Social Movement Studies 22(2): 171-189
- Van Haperen, Sander and Justus Uitermark (2023) Dynamics of digitally networked leadership in# blacklivesmatter, First Monday 28(8)
- Bronsvoort, Irene and Justus Uitermark (2022) Seeing the street through Instagram, Urban Studies 59 (14): 2857-2874
- Törnberg, Petter and Justus Uitermark (2022) Urban Mediatization and Planetary Gentrification: The Rise and Fall of a Favela across Media Platforms, City & Community 21 (4), 340-361
- Törnberg, Petter and Justus Uitermark (2022) Tweeting ourselves to death: the cultural logic of digital capitalism, Media, Culture & Society 44 (3): 574-590 Chinese translation is here
- Savolainen, Laura, Justus Uitermark, and John D. Boy (2022) Filtering feminisms: Emergent feminist visibilities on Instagram, New Media & Society 24(3): 557-579
- Beveridge, Ross, Virginie Mamadouh, Berna Turam, Walter Nicholls, and Justus Uitermark (2021) Book review symposium on Cities and Social Movements, Urban Studies 58(2): 441-452
- Keuchenius Anna, Petter Törnberg, Justus Uitermark (2021) Why it is important to consider negative ties when studying polarized debates: A signed network analysis of a Dutch cultural controversy on Twitter. PLoS ONE 16(8): e0256696
- Keuchenius, Anna, Petter Törnberg, and Justus Uitermark (2021) Adoption and adaptation: A computational case study of the spread of Granovetter’s weak ties hypothesis, Social Networks 66: 10-25
- Nicholls, Walter, Justus Uitermark, and Sander van Haperen (2021) Dynamics of distinction and solidarity within social movements, Sociological Perspectives, 0731121421990067
- Ramos, Fred F. and Justus Uitermark (2021) An introduction to DUIA: The database on urban inequality and amenities, PLoS ONE 16(6): e0253824
- Törnberg, Petter and Justus Uitermark (2021) For a heterodox computational social science, Big Data & Society 8(2), 20539517211047725
- Uitermark, Justus and Joris Tieleman (2020) From fragmentation to integration and back again: The politics of water infrastructure in Accra’s peripheral neighborhoods, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 46(2): 347-362
- Uitermark, Justus and Michiel van Meeteren (2020) Geographical Network Analysis, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 112(4): 337-350
- Van Dooremalen, Thijs and Justus Uitermark (2021) The framing of 9/11 in American, French, and Dutch national newspapers (2001–2015): An inductive approach to studying events, International Sociology 37, 0268580920966829
- Van Vliet, Livia, Petter Törnberg, and Justus Uitermark (2021) Political systems and political networks: The structure of parliamentarians’ retweet networks in 19 countries, International Journal of Communication 15: 2156–2176
- Berbers, Anna, Justus Uitermark, Vincent A. Traag, and Leen d’Haenens (2020) From the margin to the centre? A relational analysis of discursive contention in the minority integration debate in the Low Countries, International Communication Gazette 82(8): 705-725
- Boy, John D. and Justus Uitermark (2020) Lifestyle enclaves in the Instagram city? Social Media+ Society 6 (3), 2056305120940698
- Savolainen, Laura, Justus Uitermark, and John D. Boy (2020) Filtering feminisms: Emergent feminist visibilities on Instagram, New Media & Society 23 (forthcoming) >> promotional clip
- Törnberg, Petter and Justus Uitermark (2020) Complex Control and the Governmentality of Digital Platforms, Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 2, 6
- Van Haperen, Sander, Justus Uitermark and Alex de Zeeuw (2020) Social movements and mediated interaction rituals: A geography of everyday life and Contention in Black Lives Matter, Mobilization 25(3): 295–313
- Van Vliet, Livia, Petter Törnberg, and Justus Uitermark (2020) The Twitter parliamentarian database: Analyzing Twitter politics across 26 countries, PLoS ONE 15 (9), e0237073
- Zandbergen, Dorien and Justus Uitermark (2020) In search of the Smart Citizen: Republican and cybernetic citizenship in the smart city, Urban Studies 57(8): 1733-1748
- Berbers, Anna, Justus Uitermark, Vincent A. Traag, and Leen d’Haenens (2019) From the margin to the centre? A relational analysis of discursive contention in the minority integration debate in the Low Countries, International Communication Gazette 91(8): 705-725
- Nicholls, Walter J., Justus Uitermark and Sander van Haperen (2019) Going national: How the fight for immigrant rights became a national social movement, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46(4): 705-727
- Tieleman, Joris and Justus Uitermark (2019) Chiefs in the city: Traditional authority in the modern state, Sociology 53(4): 707-723
- Boy, John D., Justus Uitermark and Laïla Wiersma (2018) Trending #hijabfashion: Using Big Data to Study Religion at the Online–Urban Interface, Nordic Journal of Religion and Society 31(1): 22-40
- Uitermark, Justus (2018) The territorial lens: operational spaces of extraction and resistance, Territory, Politics, Governance 6(1): 1-4.
- Van Gent, Wouter, Cody Hochstenbach and Justus Uitermark (2018) Exclusion as urban policy: The Dutch ‘Act on Extraordinary Measures for Urban Problems’, Urban Studies 55(11): 2337-2353
- Van Haperen, Sander, Walter J. Nicholls and Justus Uitermark (2018) Building protest online: engagement with the digitally networked #not1more protest campaign on Twitter, Social Movement Studies 17(4): 408-423.
- Boy, John D. and Justus Uitermark (2017) Reassembling the city through Instagram, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 42(4): 612-624
- Nicholls, Walter J. and Justus Uitermark (2017) Planning/resistance, Urban Geography 38(4): 512-520
- Nicholls, Walter J. and Justus Uitermark (2017) Cities and Social Movements: Immigrant Rights Activism in the US, France, and the Netherlands, 1970-2015. Oxford: Wiley
- Uitermark, Justus (2017) Complex contention: analyzing power dynamics within Anonymous, Social Movement Studies 16(4): 403-417
- Uitermark, Justus and Walter J.Nicholls (2016) Planning for social justice: Strategies, dilemmas, tradeoffs, Planning Theory 16(1): 32–50
- Uitermark, Justus, Cody Hochstenbach and Wouter van Gent (2017) The statistical politics of exceptional territories, Political Geography 57: 60-70
- Boy, John D. and Justus Uitermark (2016) How to study the city on Instagram, PLoS ONE 11(6): e0158161
- Uitermark, Justus, Vincent A. Traag and Jeroen Bruggeman (2016) Dissecting Discursive Contention: A Relational Analysis of the Dutch Debate on Minority Integration, 1990–2006, Social Networks 47: 107-115
- Nicholls, Walter J., Justus Uitermark and Sander van Haperen (2016) The networked grassroots. How radicals outflanked reformists in the United States’ immigrant rights movement, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42(6): 877-892
- Nicholls, Walter J. and Justus Uitermark (2016) Migrant cities: place, power, and voice in the era of super diversity, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42(6) 877-892
- Boy, John D. and Justus Uitermark (2015) Capture and share the city: Mapping Instagram’s uneven geography in Amsterdam. Paper for the RC21-conference “The Ideal City: between myth and reality”, Urbino, 27-29 August.
- Uitermark, Justus (2015) Longing for Wikitopia. The study and politics of self-organization, Urban Studies 52(13), 2301-2312.
- Uitermark, Justus (2015) The particularities of territory, Territory, Politics, Governance 3(1), 1-6
- Uitermark, Justus (2014) Integration and Control: The Governing of Urban Marginality in Western Europe, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 38(4), 1418–1436
- Uitermark, Justus and Walter Nicholls (2014) From Politicization to Policing. The rise and decline of new social movements in Amsterdam and Paris, Antipode 46(4), 970–991
- Uitermark, Justus and Tjerk Bosker (2014) Wither the “undivided city”? An assessment of state-sponsored gentrification in Amsterdam, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 105(2), 221–230
- Sakızlıoğlu, Bahar and Justus Uitermark (2014) The symbolic politics of gentrification. The restructuring of stigmatized neighborhoods in Amsterdam and Istanbul, Environment and Planning A 46(6), 1369–1385
- Nicholls, Walter and Justus Uitermark (2013) Post-multicultural cities: A comparison of minority politics in Amsterdam and Los Angeles, 1970-2010, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 39(10): 1555-1575
- Uitermark, J. and M. Loopmans (2013) Urban renewal without displacement? Belgium’s ‘housing contract experiment’ and the risks of gentrification, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 28(1): 157-166
- Uitermark, Justus (2012) Dynamics of Power in Dutch Integration Politics. From Accommodation to Confrontation. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press. Open access publication.
- Uitermark, Justus, Walter Nicholls and Maarten Loopmans (2012) Cities and social movements. Theorizing beyond the right to the city, Environment and Planning A 44(11): 2546 – 2554 (Introduction special issue on ‘Cities and Social Movements’)
- Bruggeman, J., V.A. Traag and J. Uitermark (2012) Detecting communities through network data. A comment on: The temporal structure of scientific consensus formation, American Sociological Review 77(6): 1050-1063
- Uitermark, J. and W. Nicholls (2012) How local networks shape a global movement. Comparing Occupy in Amsterdam and Los Angeles, Social Movement Studies 11(3-4): 295–301
- Uitermark, Justus and Jan-Willem Duyvendak (2008) Civilising the city: Populism and revanchist urbanism in Rotterdam, Urban Studies 45(7): 1485-1503
- Hajer, Maarten & Justus Uitermark (2008) Performing Authority – Discursive Politics after the Assassination of Theo van Gogh, Public Administration 85(1): 5–19
- Uitermark, Justus and Jan Willem Duyvendak (2008) Citizen participation in a mediated age: Neighbourhood governance in The Netherlands, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 32 (1): 114-134
- Uitermark, Justus, Jan Willem Duyvendak & Reinout Kleinhans (2007) Gentrification as a governmental strategy. Social control and social cohesion in Hoogvliet, Rotterdam, Environment and Planning A 39(1): 125-141
- Uitermark, Justus, & Peter Cohen (2007) Decriminalisation: A short description, and the social process behind it. In: Encyclopedia of Law and Society. London: Sage
- Uitermark, Justus (2005) The genesis and evolution of urban policy: a confrontation of regulationist and governmentality approaches, Political Geography 24(2): 137-163
- Beaumont, Justin, Maarten Loopmans & Justus Uitermark (2005) Politicization of research and the relevance of geography: some experiences and reflections for an ongoing debate, Area 37(2): 118-126
- Uitermark, Justus & Peter Cohen (2005) A clash of policy approaches: The rise (and fall?) of Dutch harm reduction policies towards ecstasy consumption, International Journal of Drug Policy 16(1): 65-72
- Uitermark, Justus, Ugo Rossi & Henk van Houtum (2005) Reinventing multiculturalism: urban citizenship and the negotiation of ethnic diversity in Amsterdam, International Journal Urban and Regional Research 29(3): 622-640
- Uitermark, Justus (2004) The co-optation of squatters in Amsterdam and the emergence of a movement meritocracy: a critical reply to Pruijt, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 28(3): 687-698
- Uitermark, Justus (2004) Framing urban injustices. The case of the Amsterdam squatter movement, Space & Polity 8(2): 227-244
- Uitermark, Justus (2004) Looking forward by looking back: May Day protests in London and the strategic significance of the urban, Antipode 36(4): 700-721
- Uitermark, Justus (2004) The origins and future of the Dutch approach towards drugs, Journal of Drug Issues 34(3): 511-532
- Uitermark, Justus (2003) ‘Social Mixing’ and the Management of Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods: The Dutch Policy of Urban Restructuring Revisited, Urban Studies 40(3): 531-549
- Loopmans, Maarten, Justus Uitermark and Filip De Maesschalck (2003) Against all odds: poor people jumping scales and the development of an urban policy in Flanders, Belgium, Belgeo 2(3): 243-258
- Uitermark, Justus (2002) Re-scaling, ‘scale fragmentation’ and the regulation of antagonistic relationships, Progress in Human Geography 26(6): 743-765
- Uitermark, Justus (2002) Spatial policy in the United Kingdom: regulatory experimentation in the after-Fordist era, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 17(4): 385-407